• Terrasse mit Tisch und Stühlen

There are many marked walks of various lengths in the immediate and wider surroundings of the holiday home.
You will find brochures with information in the holiday home.

There are also approx. 20 km of signposted Nordic walking tours of varying degrees of difficulty.

Here is a small selection of recommended tours:


  • Roholtfjell

Roholtfjell is one of the mountains that characterise Vrådal. It consists of two peaks, both of which are over 1000 metres high. Several signposted routes lead up to the peaks. Some of the ascents and descents are very steep, so sturdy footwear is essential.
As the tour takes at least 5 to 6 hours, it is important to take enough food and drink with you.
Length of the tour: approx. 10 - 13 km
Difficulty: moderate to difficult
Example route

  • Venelifjell

Roholtfjell is one of the mountains that characterise Vrådal. It consists of two peaks, both of which are over 1000 metres high. Several signposted routes lead up to the peaks. Some of the ascents and descents are very steep, so sturdy footwear is essential.
As the tour takes at least 5 to 6 hours, it is important to take enough food and drink with you.
Length of the tour: approx. 10 - 13 km
Difficulty: moderate to difficult
Example route

  • Hægefjell

Hægefjell is a mountain just over 1000 metres high on the border between Kviteseid and Nissedal. A good starting point for a tour is the car park located at the top of the hut field at the ski centre. Please note that the journey to the car park is subject to a toll for using the road.
Length of the tour: approx. 12 - 13 km
Difficulty: moderate to difficult
Example route

  • Fossøy

These tours can all be found here!

Vrådal, Norwegen
+49 2505 408526

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